Member and Author Spotlight Interviews

Get to know the IFPED community by browsing through spotlight articles with some of our most influential and esteemed members. 



Jessi Spadaccino

TAPPI member Jessica “Jessi” Spadaccino has a quest to continue learning and growing – both her connections and career. Her efforts exemplify the old adage, “you get out what you put in.”



Scott Marks

Get to know IFPED member, Scott Marks, the esteemed contributing author on the “Extrusion Coating Manual, Fifth Edition” and the NEW “Film Extrusion Manual, Third Edition” 



Rob Hammond

Rob Hammond isn’t the first TAPPI member to say his company encouraged him to join, and he certainly won’t be the last. Nor is he the only one to cite networking, access to global resources, and in-depth technical knowledge as benefits.



Duane Smith

Duane Smithis a process manager-web handling and specialty winding at Davis-Standards, LLC, focusing on machine design and process development. Duane has been a member of TAPPI since 1977 and was named a TAPPI Fellow in 2011.




Ginger Cushing

Ginger Cushing has been a Member since 1988 when she first came on board at the urging of her colleagues.  A bench  chemist at the time, she said they made her see that TAPPI was definitely the “place” to be. 



Rory Wolf

Rory Wolf has been actively engaged in TAPPI’s Polymers, Laminates, Adhesives, Coating and Extrusion (PLACE) Division since first joining in 2000 at the behest of a former colleague and long-time TAPPI member, Dave Markgraf. 




Tom Dunn

Tom has 30 years in product development management positions of increasing responsibility with a major flexible packaging converter where customer contact and support are priorities.
